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[WATCH] The Messed-Up History Of Black Hair In America


[WATCH] The Messed-Up History Of Black Hair In America

‘Black people sporting natural hair is like cutting up onions to White people.’

Black hair discrimination has been a thing, since, well, colonizers. Our kinks and curls have perpetually been weaponized for everything – from beauty standards and employment opportunities to basic cultural acceptance.

[SEE ALSO: #TakeBackTheCrown: Tasha Edinbyrd Explores Natural Hair Movement With New Documentary]

So much so that even The Daily Show is weighing in on the conversation. After a South African pharmacy came under fire for denigrating natural hair, Trevor Noah asked on a recent episode, “how Black does a country have to be for this to not happen?”


The show’s correspondent and funny-woman Dulcé Sloan also pulled up with a crash course on the stigma of Black hair in America and movements like the CROWN Act in hopes of taking the politics out of hair.

Press above to watch her hilarious breakdown and why “Black people sporting natural hair is like cutting up onions to White people.”

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Stephenetta Harmon is a Black beauty editor, curator, and digital media and communications expert who builds platforms to celebrate the power, impact, and business of Black beauty. Prior to founding Sadiaa Black Beauty Guide, she served as editor-in-chief for the MN Spokesman-Recorder and digital media director for Hype Hair. Find her at

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