Autumn Brown Yarbrough was birthed into a family of haircare trailblazers. She is the granddaughter of Comer J. Cottrell Jr. (founder of Pro-Line) and daughter of Renee Cottrell Brown (creator of Just for Me) and Eric V. Brown (president of Hi Times, Inc.).
However, after growing up in the family business, she had no personal interest in the beauty world. Instead, she set her sights on becoming a leader in corporate America, even pioneering her own insurance agency. But, beauty eventually beckoned and she founded her company CBY in 2019. Soon after, she launched Nu Standard with several unique product lines and over a dozen different products tailor-made for professionals and consumers. The new company has already garnered the attention of major retailers, securing distribution in nearly 700 professional beauty stores beginning in 2023.
Sadiaa Black Beauty Guide was honored to present Yarbrough with the Legacy Award at the inaugural Black Beauty Room & Awards. The Legacy Award was created to recognize a beauty professional, entrepreneur, or brand that has had a multi-generational impact on the beauty world, either by passing on their brand or taking on the mantel of their ancestors.
Photo Credit: Jade & Jora
Yarbrough was chosen by our selection committee because of her drive to build her own brand based on her skill set, following the legacy of her grandfather who grew up a brand by tapping into his consumers’ pain points and styling desires. She embodies a similar story of bootstrapping her business and connecting with consumers and their most pressing needs. Instead of reshaping curls, she has found her own niche in hair restoration and wellness. And, she has made her own mark, standing strong on her own laurels and talents.
In addition, Yarbrough and her family agreed with renaming the award after her late grandfather.
“I am honored and proud to unapologetically continue my family’s legacy,” said Yarbrough, during her acceptance speech. “This Legacy Award really belongs to all of us. My family would not have it any other way because we are a community full of pride, vitality, perseverance, and beauty.”
Stephenetta Harmon is a Black beauty editor, curator, and digital media and communications expert who builds platforms to celebrate the power, impact, and business of Black beauty. Prior to founding Sadiaa Black Beauty Guide, she served as editor-in-chief for the MN Spokesman-Recorder and digital media director for Hype Hair. Find her at