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7 Must-Have Looks From Target’s First 100% Black-Owned & Designed BHM Collection


7 Must-Have Looks From Target’s First 100% Black-Owned & Designed BHM Collection

All Black everything.

Black, Beautiful, Proud Target x Chibia Ulinwa
Photo courtesy Target

“Black, Beautiful, Proud” Long Sleeve Round Neck T-Shirt – Chibia Ulinwa

We know you probably think you have enough t-shirts in your wardrobe, but do you? You might want to add a few more because of this fabulous collection.

This “Black, Beautiful, Proud” slogan was made to emphasize Black beauty. Chibia Ulinwa designed this black long sleeve with her wholesome lettering to uplift and amplify the importance of mental health, empathy, and self-love. 

Target, $15

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Harmony Thomas is a college student at the University of North Texas studying digital and print journalism and fashion merchandising.

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