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Don’t Miss Out! 5 Collections We Love From Nordstrom’s Black/Style Pop-Up Shop


Don’t Miss Out! 5 Collections We Love From Nordstrom’s Black/Style Pop-Up Shop

Get into these fashion finds honoring Black-owned and -founded designers.

One DNA X Travis Weaver
Photo courtesy brand

One DNA – Travis Weaver

“Black style is individuality, futuristic, regal, trend-setting,” says One DNA founder Travis Weaver.

Here is your daily reminder that women are powerful. This sweatshirt was designed for people who believe in this statement and want to show their support for women everywhere. The sweatshirt is gender inclusive and comes in an earthy ocher pigment to keep you comfy this spring.

My Pick: Women Are Powerful” Graphic Sweatshirt, $69

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Harmony Thomas is a college student at the University of North Texas studying digital and print journalism and fashion merchandising.

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